NG-47 RA-1962G 23.02.2017

Accident date23.02.2017
Investigation statusInvestigation is finished
Aircraft registration numberRA-1962G
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident sitenear Hatenki landing place of the Kozelsk district of the Kaluga Region
Aircraft typeNG-47
Serial №
Aircraft operator"Normandie-Niemen" aeroclub
Aircraft owner
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)02.11.2018
Number of fatalities0
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destructionaircraft partially damaged

report_ra-1962g.pdf (680.97 KB)

Aviation typeGA
Works type

27 february 2017

The accident with NG-47 (FVSP) RA-1962G aircraft owned by "Normandie-Niemen" aeroclub occurred near Hatenki landing site, Kozelsk district, Kaluga Region (RF) on February 23, 2017. According to the available information the pilot and a passenger on board were injured, the aircraft was damaged.

The Interstate Aviation Committee has assigned the Investigation team in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team started its work.