R44 RA-04196 16.05.2019

Accident date16.05.2019
Investigation statusInvestigation is finished
Aircraft registration numberRA-04196
Place of aircraft departureMosalskoye locality
Airport of departure
Intended destinationMosalskoye locality
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident sitenear Kolodezny settlement in Voronezh Region (RF)
LatitudeN 51°19'00.1''
LongitudeE 039°18'27.6''
Aircraft typeRobinson R44
Serial №1671
Aircraft operatorAlYur plus LLC
Aircraft ownerSolnechny Helicopter Club
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)02.10.2019
Number of fatalities0
Victims accuracyfinal
Degree of aircraft destructionthe aircraft is destroyed

Final report (839.08 KB)

Aviation typeGA
Works type

17 may 2019

On 16.05.2019, near Kolodezny settlement, Voronezh Region, RF, the accident involving R44 RA-04196 helicopter, owned by Solnechny Helicopter Club, when performing a fields inspection flight occurred. According to the available information, the rotorcraft was damaged, the PIC was not injured.

The Interstate Aviation Committee has appointed the Investigation team to conduct the accident investigation. The Investigation team has started its work.