Accident date | 28.11.2016 |
Investigation status | |
Aircraft registration number | RA-04195 |
Place of aircraft departure | |
Airport of departure | |
Intended destination | |
Intended Airport of arrival | |
Accident site | Российская Федерация, Республика Крым, 7 км юго-западнее г. Алушты |
Latitude | N 44°37'33.7'' |
Longitude | E 034°21'10.1'' |
Aircraft type | Robinson R-44 |
Serial № | |
Aircraft operator | |
Aircraft owner | Two private persons |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | 27.11.2017 |
Number of fatalities | 3 |
Victims accuracy | |
Degree of aircraft destruction | the aircraft is destroyed |
Report | report_ra-04195.pdf (3.82 MB) |
Aviation type | GA |
Works type | |
Note |
The accident with Robinson R-44 RA-04195 private helicopter occurred in the area of Vinogradny locality of the Republic of Crimea on November 28, 2016. According to the available information the pilot and two passengers on board were killed, the rotorcraft was destroyed.
The Interstate Aviation Committee has assigned the Investigation team of the accident in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team has started its work.
The Interstate Aviation Committee informs that the investigation progress of the accident with R-44 RA-04195 helicopter is underway.
Interim statement (preliminary reference) about the investigation progress has been published on the IAC website.
The Investigation team continues its work on collection and analysis of information related to the crew training, assessment of the crew actions during the accident flight and also of the rotorcraft's systems and units operability.
The Investigation team will issue the Final Report when the investigation is completed.
The Information presented in the Interim statement is preliminary and might be revised and updated according to the investigation results.
Промежуточный отчет (2.7 MB)
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation Team has completed the investigation, involving R-44 RA-04195 helicopter occurred in the Republic of Crimea (RF) on November 28, 2016.
Most probably, the accident occurred as the helicopter had encountered low-G conditions resulting in a mast bumping and an inflight break-up of the helicopter.
Most probably the fatal accident was caused by combination of the following factors:
– placing the helicopter into a vertical low-G conditions to avoid bird strike;
– heavy wind conditions in the helicopter flight area (abrupt and severe gusts).
Appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed