Tango 2 RA-0542A 25.08.2016

Accident date25.08.2016
Investigation status
Aircraft registration numberRA-0542A
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident sitenear of Popham town (Hampshire county, England)
Aircraft typeTANGO 2
Serial №
Aircraft operatorPrivate person
Aircraft ownerPrivate person
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)11.05.2017
Number of fatalities0
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destruction
Aviation typeGA
Works type
NoteThe investigation conducted by the Air Accident Investigation Branch of the United Kingdom (AAIB UK)

22 august 2017

Air Accident Investigation Branch of the United Kingdom (AAIB UK) has published the report in the form of a bulletin on investigation of the non-fatal accident withTango 2 RA-0542A private gyroplane occurred near of Popham town (Hampshire county, England) on 25.08.2016.
