«Vimana» RA-0211A 02.08.2014

Accident date02.08.2014
Investigation status
Aircraft registration numberRA-0211A
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident siteв районе п.п. «Нижнее Городище» Частинского района Пермского края
Aircraft typeVimana
Serial №
Aircraft operator
Aircraft ownerООО «Кондор»
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)
Number of fatalities1
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destruction
Aviation type
Works type

04 august 2014

     The accident with "Vimana" RA-0211A single-built aircraft owned by "Condor" LLC occurred near Nizhniye Gorodische landing site, Chastinsky District, Perm Territory (RF) on August 2, 2014. According to the available information the pilot on board was killed, the aircraft was partially destroyed.
     The Interstate Aviation Committee has formed the Investigation team of the accident in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team started its work.

29 june 2015

     The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with «VIMANA» RA-0211A single-built aircraft owned by "Kondor" LLC occurred in the Perm Territory (RF) on August 2, 2014.
      Fatal accident with «VIMANA» (FVSP) RA-0211А aircraft most probably was caused by the stall entry making a turn at the low altitude and speed. Due to the altitude deficiency for stall recovery the ground impact occurred.
      The fatal accident became possible due to the PIC's failure in piloting technique and fulfilling FOM recommendations on making turns.
      The appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed.