First Deputy of the IAC Chairperson A. Golomolzin took part in Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC)...
On 17.04.2021 near Ilskiy locality, Krasnodar Territory (RF) the accident involving...
On April 12-14, 2021 the Accident Investigation (AIG) Online Workshop was held by the Interstate Aviation Committee jointly with ICAO within the framework of the ICAO/IAC Project RER/01/901 “Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness in the Member States of the Agreement”.
On 23.02.2021 near Pes landing site, Novgorod region (RF) the accident involving R66 RA-06201 helicopter owned by Barkol Airlines, Ltd occurred...
On 1-2 February 2021 the webinar “Preparation and implementation of a plan for COVID-19 vaccines delivery by air” was held by the...
On January 15, 2021, a landmark meeting of representatives of the two authorities was held...
On 08.01.2021 near Gostilitsy landing site, Lomonosovsky District, Leningrad Region (RF) the air collision of two private airplanes occurred: ROKKI RA-2659G and C-152KN RA-1488G, both single-built.