On April 30, 2023 near Gorodskoy Airport landing site (Novosibirsk, RF) the accident involving С-172N RA-2038G private single-built aircraft occurred.
On April 24, 2023 near Yerzovka Lokality, Volgograd Region, RF, the accident involving Ansat RA-20012 helicopter owned by Russian Helicopter Systems, JSC, occurred.
On 12 April the official visit of the IAC delegation headed by the Chairman of IAC O.Storchevoy to the Republic of Uzbekistan took place...
On April 6 the official visit of the delegation of the CAA of the Islamic Republic of Iran...
On April 3, 2023 at Orlyonok landing site the accident involving Berkut RA-0485G03 single-built private aircraft occurred.
On 30-th March 2023 the official visit of the IAC delegation headed by the Chairman of IAC O.Storchevoy to the Republic of Armenia took place.
On 28-30 March 2023 a regular instructive workshop with the representatives and candidates for representatives on the production inspection in 40 repair organizations in the Member States of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Airspace Use (the Agreement) was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee.
On March 1, 2023 in the Interstate Aviaiton Committee the Session on Aviation and Airspace Use was held...
On February 28, 2023 near Lovozero Airport (Murmansk Region, RF), the accident involving Mi-8Т RA-25227 helicopter owned by Vologda Aviation Enterprise, JSC occurred.
On 14-17 February 2023, within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Project “Development of Operational Safety and Continuous Airworthiness” the ICAO Workshop on Safe Runway Operations...
On February 20, 2023 at the area of the Topkhan Mountain (Kemerovo Region, RF), the accident involving AS350 B3 RA-04060 helicopter occurred....
On February 17, 2023 in the Sakhalin Region (RF), the accident involving R44II RA-04340 private helicopter occurred.
According to the information received on January 30, 2023, in June 2022 near Oymyakon Airport, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), RF...
On January 17, 2023 in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation the Session...
On January 9, 2023 near Karatayka Locality (Nenets Autonomous Okrug, RF) the accident involving Аn-2ТP RA-71165 aircraft owned by Naryan-Mar, JSC occurred.
The year 2023 is the 100th anniversary of civil aviation in our region!
On December 19, 2022 near Nyavlenga landing site, Magadan Region (RF), the accident involving Mi -8Т RA-24213 helicopter owned by Polyar-Avia, Ltd occurred.
On December 1, 2022 in Kotayk Region (Republic of Armenia) the accident involving Beechcraft 95-B55 OM-KVV aircraft occurred.
According to the information received on November 24, 2022, a non-fatal accident involving R44II RA-04385 helicopter occurred near the Mana River (Krasnoyarsky Krai, RF) on August 14, 2022.
On November 27, 2022, near Vyazovets settlement, Kesovogorsky District, Tver Region (RF), the accident involving R66 RA-07390 private helicopter occurred.