The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with BAe 125-800A RA-02773 aircraft owned by Aerolimousine airline, LLC occurred in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia, Russia) on 05.06.2016...
The Interstate Aviation Committee investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with MD-50VG RA-0047G single-built motorized deltaplane owned by Technoservice Ltd...
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with Agusta Bell-206 B3 RA-01630 private helicopter which occurred in the Krasnodarsky Krai (RF) on..
Ihe Interstate Aviation Committee informs on the investigation progress of the accident with L-410 UVP-E20 RA-67047 aircraft owned by Khabarovsk Airlines, regional state unitary enterprise...
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with Aeroprakt А-33-011 RA-0818G single-built aircraft...
On 15 December, 2017 in the ICAO headquarters CANIS and SANIS forums on prospects of air navigation and flight safety development have been concluded.
On 19.12.2017 in Naryan Mar airport (Nenets Autonomous District, RF) the accident with TBC-2MC RA-01460 aircraft owned by Naryanmar Joint Aviation Detachment, OJSC occurred...
On 7-8 December, 2017 in the headquaters of the Interstate Aviation Committee the meeting of Aviation Security Coordination Council was held...
According to the information received on 11.12.2017 from the Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya) East-Siberian Interregional Territorial Department...
Sixteenth session of Coordination Commission on Air Navigation was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) on 5-7 December, 2017...
On 30 November - 1 December, 2017 in the CIS Executive Committee the Working group meeting was held to develop proposals on...
Interstate Aviaiton Committee expresses its sincere thanks for congratulations and good wishes on...
On 05.12.2017 near Dubovaya Balka locality, Stavropol Territory (RF) the accident with Robinson R-44 II RA-04308 helicopter occurred...
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation Team has completed the investigation, involving R-44 RA-04195 helicopter occurred in the Republic of Crimea (RF) on November 28, 2016...
The Accident Investigation Board Norway (AIBN) and the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) inform about the progress of the investigation of the Mi-8АМТ RA-22312 helicopter fatal accident.
In accordance with the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Defence of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter - CIS) from 26 May, 2017 the meeting of in Secretariat of the Council of Defence Ministers of CIS Member States the meeting was held...
According to the information provided by the Accident Investigation Bureau of France (BEA), the accident with EMBRARER (Legacy 500) aircraft had occurred in Le Bourget Airport (France) on 27.11.2017...
On 27.11.2017 near Shinovka township of the Tambov region (RF) the accident with EC-120 RA-07226 private helicopter occurred.
The Investigation team of the L410 UVP-E20 RA-67047 aircraft fatal accident continues its work at the accident site. Preparations for the aircraft and engines transportation...
Interstate Aviation Committee informs that the Investigation team of the fatal accident with L410 UVP-E20 RA-67047 aircraft continues its work at the accident site...