In the period 26-27 April 2018 “Competence Based Training/Evidence Based Training (CBT/EBT) Seminar took place in the Interstate Aviation Committee...
In the period 24-25 April 2018 “New Trends in Pilot Training” Seminar was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee within the framework of the realization of the ICAO/IAC Project RER/01/901...
The accident with KP-2U SOVA RA-0125A FVSP private aircraft occurred near Kaibaly village, Altai region, Republic of Khakassia (RF) on 21.04.2018.
On 14.04.2018 near Sharshki airfield, Usmanski district, Lipetsk region (RF) the accident with Z-142 RA-1958G FVSP private aircraft occurred.
On 11.04.2018 in 3 km west of Khabarovsk locality-local airline the accident with Mi-8PS-9 RA-24640 helicopter owned by Vostok Aviation Company, JSC occurred...
On 01.04.2018 near Pelagiada location, Shpakovsky District, Stavropol Krai (RF) the accident with Red Liner RA-1272G flying vehicle single-built private aircraft occurred...
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with An-2 RA-35171 private aircraft...
On 24.02.2018 on Arctic Cape landing site (Severnaya Aemlya) the accident with Mi-8Т RA-22793 helicopter owned by KrasAvia State Enterprise of Krasnoyarsk Krai (RF) occurred...
In regards to the An-148-100B RA-61704 aircraft accident investigation, the IAC Investigation team informs that after the memory module installation...
In the period 30 January – 9 February 2018 within the framework of the implementation of the ICAO/IAC Project RER/01/901...
The Investigation team informs that the IAC Laboratory...
The Investigation team informs that during the last night...
The Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with "Yozhik" (FVSP) RA-0343G private aircraft occurred in the Voronezh Region (RF) on September 24, 2016.
The Investigation team informs that...
On 12.02.2018 at a distance of 100 km from Strezhevoy Airport (Tomsk Region, RF), the accident occurred with Mi-8Т RA-22330 helicopter owned by Yeltsovka Airline Company, CJSC.
The Investigation team on the An-148-100B RA-61704 aircraft accident informs that the works on the wreckage scheme reconstruction are in progress.
According to the available information, on 11.02.2018 at 14:28 (Moscow time), the radio and radar contact with the An-148-100V RA-61704 aircraft (Saratov Airlines) was lost...
Investigation team informs about the investigation progress of the accident with R-44 II RA-04308 helicopter owned by Barkol Airlines Ltd.
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with R-66 RA-06354 helicopter owned by System Leasing 24 CJSC...
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with R-66 RA-1981G private helicopter...