The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with «С-150» RA-1861G single-built private aircraft occurred in the Tuymen Region (RF) on January 18, 2015...
The accident with Kodiak-100 N642RM (USA) private aircraft owned by Russian Federation citizen occurred near Pskov Airport (Kresty, RF)on July 6, 2015...
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with «Zlin Z-42M» RA-2304G single-built private aircraft occurred in the Murmank Region (RF) on September 20, 2014...
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with «Sapsan» RA-0390A single-built private aircraft occurred in the Astrakhan Region (RF) on June 16, 2015...
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Аn-2 RA-56528 s/h private aircraft occurred in the Stavropol Territory (RF) on May 18, 2015...
The fatal accident with R-44 RA-05765 private helicopter occurred in Makarsky locality, Tisulsky district, Kemero Region (RF) on June 27, 2015.
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with «VIMANA» RA-0211A single-built aircraft owned by "Kondor" LLC occurred in the Perm Territory (RF) on August 2, 2014...
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Mi-2 RA-14279 private helicopter occurred in the Tver Region (RF) on November 13, 2014...
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the fatal accident with AS-350B3 RA-04032 helicopter owned by "NanoStroyInvest" LLC occurred in the Nizhni Novgorod region (RF) on November 20th, 2014...
The accident with An-2 RA-40646 aircraft operated by "Vostok-Avia" airlines occurred near Kezhma village, Krasnoyarsk Territory (RF) on June 19, 2015...
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with "Sky Master" RA-0862G single-built private aircraft occurred in the Moscow region (RF) on April 30, 2014...
The units and BUR-LK flight data recorder of Il-103 EW-041LL aircraft owned by RUP "Bellesavia" of Ministry of Emergensy Situation of the Republic of Belarus involved in the fatal accident in Brest District on June 14, 2015 were delivered to the Interstate Aviation Committee on June 18, 2015...
The accident with An-2 RA-84553 aircraft owned by "Vodoley" LLC occurred near Mikhailov locality, Rostov region (RF) on June 15, 2015...
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviaiton Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Yak-18Т RA-44334 private aircraft occurred in the Lipetsk region (RF) on September 6, 2014...
The Commission of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Democratic Republic of Congo completed the investigation of the accident with Mi-8AMT RA-22472 helicopter owned by the "UTair" Airlines" JSC occured in 15 km from Bukavu airport on March 9, 2013...
The workshop on flight safety (FS) inspection procedure in the framework of the Universal Savety Oversight Programme (USAP) was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee jointly with the ICAO regional office on June 16-18, 2015.
The accident with "Sapsan" RA-0390A single-built aircraft occurred in Zuzino locality of the Ikryaninsky District of the Astrakhan Region on June 16, 2015...
The accident with DA-40 RA-02654 aircraft owned by "FSBEU HPE SPBGU GA" occurred at Buguruslan a/p on June 18, 2015...
At the invitation of the IATA Director General (International Air Transport Association) Tony Tyler the delegation of the Interstate Aviation Committee visited the 71st Annual IATA Conference...
The regular annual breifing workshop with representatives and manufacture inspection candidates was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on June 10-11, 2015.