ICAO EUR regional expert safety team (IE-REST) first meeting will be held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on June 10-11, 2013.
According to to the information received the accident with Extra-330SC RA-0327G private aircraft occurred during demonstration flight at Bolshoe Gryzlovo aerodrme, Moscow region (RF) on June 2, 2013. The aircraft was destroyed, the pilot was killed.
According to the information received the accident with Korvet-J RA-0679G private aircraft occurred in the Perm Territory (RF) on May 29, 2013. The aircraft was destroyed, the pilot didn't suffer.
According to the information received the accident with Mi-2 RA-20977 helicopter owned by "Transkhimavia" Ltd occurred near Severny locality, Krasnodar Territory (RF) on May 21, 2013. The rotorcraft sustained substantial damage, the pilot didn't suffer.
On May 31, 2013 the Interstate Aviation Committee Chairperson participated in the Council of Heads of Goverments of CIS in Minsk. Within the frameework of visit the working meeting with the Head of Aviation Department of the Republic of Belarus where the issues of the Republic civil aviation development were discussed was held.
On May 27-31, 2013 delegation of the Ministry of Transport and Communication (CIAA) of the Republic of Peru visited the Interstate Aviation Committee due to the investigation of the fatal accident with Mi-8Т OB-1916P helicopter occured in Peru on April 7, 2013.
On May 27, 2013 flight data recorder of Mi-8AMT RA-22472 helicopter owned by "UTair" Airlines JSC involved in the fatal accident at the territory of he Democratic Republic of Congo on March 9, 2013 was delivered to the Interstate Aviation Committee.
Delegation of the Ministry of Transport of the Democratic Republic of Congo due to investigation of the fatal accident with Mi-8AMT RA-22472 helicopter owned by "UTair" Airlines" occured in the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo on March 9, 2013 arrived at the Interstate Aviation Committee on May 21, 2013.
"Flight safety experts proficiency training" courses organised by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Interstate Aviation Committee were initiated in Astana of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 21, 2013.
The Interstate Aviation Committee experts jointly with designers of SDK-8 flight recorder owned by "Techpribor" JSC (Sait-Petersburg, RF) carried out the activities on Mi-8T RA-24410 helicopter FDR flight recorder data recovery and readout.
The Agreement in the field of civil aviation equipment airworthiness certification and its implementation Procedure was signed by the Interstate Aviation Committee and Directorate General of Civil Aviation of Peru on May 16, 2013.
According to the information received the accident with An-2 RA-31403 aircraft operated by "Annushka" Airlines occurred near Chernolesskoye locality, Stavropol Territory (RF) on May 15, 2013.
Flight recorders and GPS receiver of Mi-8T RA-24410 helicopter involved in the fatal accident in the Irkutsk region (RF) on May 6, 2013 were delivered to the Interstate Aviation Committee on May 13, 2013.
The accident with Mi-8 RA-24410 helicopter operated by "ANGARA" Airlines of the East Siberian International Territorial Department of FAA occurred near Proeobrazhenka village, Irkutsk region (RF) on May 6, 2013 at 11:30 Moscow time.
The accident with An-2 RA40312 aircraft owned by "Avia-Zov" Ltd occurred after departure from take-off site of Serov town (RF) on June 11, 2012. Due to adverse terrain the aircraft was detected by research and rescue activities only on May 4, 2013.
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with Mi-8T RA-22966 helicopter owned by "Tomsk Avia" Airkines" Ltd occurred in the Tomsk region (RF) on July 23, 2012.
On April 19, 2013 the IAC Aviaition Register Chairperson and deputy head of aviation authorities of Italy signed the Addendum to the Agreement implementation procedures in the field of airworthiness with Italy. Signing of the specified document presents the opportunity of RRJ-95B russian aircraft delivery to European Union.
Chnina Academy of Sciences and civil aviation technology delegation within the framework of signed in 2012 Memorandum of understanding in civil aviation flight safety visited the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) on April 15-19.
Four-day workshop "Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft" (SAFA) held within the framework of ICAO-IAC RER/01/901 international project "Development of operational safety and continuing airworthiness" implementation was opened in Baku on April 15, 2013.
Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee completed preparation of the Final report draft in accordance with the investigation results of the fatal accident with ATR72-201 VP-BYZ aircraft occured near Roschino Airport (Tyumen, RF) on April 2, 2012.