The accident with L-42 RA-0786G FVSP private amphibian aircraft occurred in the area of Medvezhye lake of the Irkutsk region on 23.07.2017...
On July 19, 2017 the flight recorders of Ка-32 RA-31024 (accident is investigating by KAIK, air accident investigation authority of Turkey) were delivered to the IAC Laboratory.
The accident with "Berkut" RA-2842G private FVSP aircraft occurred in the area of the Khuzhir village (the Baikal lake water zone in the Irkutsk region, RF) on 16.07.2017.
Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Elitar-202 RA-1286G private FVSP aircraft occurred in the Orenburg region (RF) on 28.06.2016.
Regular meeting of the IAC Coordinating Council on training for aviation specialists of the Member States of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace was held on 27 June, 2017.
The report Flight safety in civil aviation of the Member States of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace in the first half of 2017 is published.
The accident with Bell-206B RA-01625 helicopter (owner – private person, lessee – Bumerang air training center, LLC) occurred in the Republic of Buryatia (RF) on 05.07.2017.
The investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has terminated the investigation of the accident with the АКМ-5 RA-0536А FVSP private aircraft occurred in the Republic of Bashkortostan on 02.07.2016.
The accident with Ка-32 RA-31024 helicopter operated by Avialift Vladivostok Airline occurred in the district of Menderes, City of İzmir (Turkey) on 02.07.2017.
The accident to the R-44 RA-04175 private helicopter occurred in the area of the Kzyl Bayrak village of the Republic of Tatarstan on 30.06.2017.
Two section (“Air Navigation subcommission” and “Aviation meteorology subcommission") 15th session of Coordination Commission on Air Navigation was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on June 21-23, 2017.
Based on the Federal Air Transport Agency telegram from 20.06.2017 aviation event occurred with Mi-8T RA-25547 aircraft on 20.06.2017...
At the invitation of IATA the IAC delegation attended the reception on the occasion of visit of IATA's Director General Alexandre de Juniac...
The Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Аn-2 RA-33462 agricultural aircraft operated by Krasny Kut Civil Aviation Flight School, occurred in the Saratov Region (RF) on 30.06.2016.
The Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with "Blanik-M Trike" RA-1152G single-built private trike occurred in the Sverdlovsk region (RF) on 01.09.2016.
On 22 June 2017 the CAST – CIS Meeting on the adoption of the 3rd edition of the Methodical Recommendations “Airplane Protection from Ground Icing” was held...
Telephone conversations from headquarters of the Interstate Aviation Committee (Moscow) of the President of the Interstate Council were held...
On 20.06.2017 non-fatal accident with Mi-8T RA-25547 helicopter owned by Altay Airlines Ltd occurred at Cedar landing site, Tomsk region (RF)...
16th session of Coordination Commission on Air Navigation will be held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on 21-23 June, 2017...
The Interstate Aviation Committee took part in ninth meeting of the ICAO EUR Regional Expert Safety Team (IE-REST/09). The meeting organized by ICAO European and North-Atlantic Office...