The Interstate Aviation Committee expresses its condolences to families and relatives killed in fatal accident with Boeing-777 aircraft operated by Malaysian airlines and mourns with them.
1. Activities on validation of manufacture approval Certificate at the "Plant named after G.I Petrovsky" (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) have been completed.
Manufacture organisation approval Certificate № OP109-PKI from July 1, 2014 was issued.
The Commission on certification of aerodromes and equipment of the Interstate Aviation Committee (the IAC Commission) carried out the range of activities on certification of DIVOS 3 log documentation system, version 3.0, FREQUENTIS AG (Austria) version.
The Commission on certification of aerodromes and equipment of the Interstate Aviation Committee (the IAC Commission) carried out the range of activities on certification of AIDA-NG message switching center of COMSOFT GmbH company (Germany).
The accident with Mi-2 RA-23721 helicopter owned by "Konver Avia" Airlines occurred near Kogalym Airport, Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District (RF) on July 10, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot on board was killed, the rotorcraft was partly destroyed.
Given that Izhevsk aerodrome is not international and currently not equipped for precision approach of the I category the Certificate № 004 A-M of Izhevsk aerodrome is canceled by the Commission on certification of aerodromes and equipment decision from June 30, 2014.
The regular meeting of Coordinating council under the Interstate Aviation Committee within the framework of coordinating activity on upgrading the aviation specialists training system was held in Almaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan from July 2-5, 2014.
The accident with "Skycruiser" RA-1451G single-built aircraft occurred at Zmeevo landing site (Tver town, RF) on July 6, 2014...
The accident with Robinson R-44 RA 04288 helicopter occurred near Novosheshminsk locality, Tatarstan Republic on July 5, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot on board was injured, the rotorcraft was destroyed.
The Interstate Aviation Committee expresses condolences to relatives, friends and colleagues in connection with death of Gerasimov Vladimir Terentyevich.
July 1, 2014 "Managment and conducting civil aircraft accident and incident investigation and flight safety promotion" courses held within the framework of ICAO-IAC RER/01/901 "Development of operational safety and continuing airworthiness" international project implementation are initiated in Bishkek.
The accident with Mi-8T RA-24541 helicopter owned by "DVK "Aerovir" LLC occurred in the Khabarovsk Territory (RF) on June 30, 2014. According to the avaliable information the crew and service passengers got injuries of different severity level.
The accident with Robinson R66 RA-1588G single-built private helicopter occurred in the Krasnodar region (RF) on June 28, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot and 3 passengers on board were killed.
The accident with SP-30M RA-1442G (single-built micro aircraft owned by "AK "Agrolet" LLC occurred in the Saratov region (RF) on June 20, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot on board was killed.
The workshop "Safety assessment of foreign aircraft" (SAFA) held within the framework of ICAO-IAC RER/01/901 international project implementation completed its work on June 19, 2014.
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with NG-4 RA-1269G single-built aircraft owned by "AviaTech" LLC occurred in the Udmurtian Republic (RF) on March 30, 2014.
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Mi-8Т RA-24430 helicopter owned by "AEROKUZBASS" LLC occurred in the Tomsk region (RF) on December 5, 2013.
The workshop "Safety assessment of foreign aircraft" within the framework of the ICO-IAC international Project started its work on June 16, 2014.
The annual briefing workshop with representatives and resident representatives on manufacturing engineering in Maintenance organisations certified by the IAC Aviation register was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on June 5-6, 2014...
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation Commission of the accident with Mi-8АМТ RA-22423 helicopter informs that evacuation of the helicopter fragments from the accident site was carried out...