The workshop "Safety assessment of foreign aircraft" (SAFA) held within the framework of ICAO-IAC RER/01/901 international project implementation completed its work on June 19, 2014.
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with NG-4 RA-1269G single-built aircraft owned by "AviaTech" LLC occurred in the Udmurtian Republic (RF) on March 30, 2014.
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Mi-8Т RA-24430 helicopter owned by "AEROKUZBASS" LLC occurred in the Tomsk region (RF) on December 5, 2013.
The workshop "Safety assessment of foreign aircraft" within the framework of the ICO-IAC international Project started its work on June 16, 2014.
The annual briefing workshop with representatives and resident representatives on manufacturing engineering in Maintenance organisations certified by the IAC Aviation register was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on June 5-6, 2014...
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation Commission of the accident with Mi-8АМТ RA-22423 helicopter informs that evacuation of the helicopter fragments from the accident site was carried out...
The Investigation team of the accident with Mi-8AMT RA-22423 helicopter informs that the accident flight data recorder is detected at the accident site...
The accident with "Aeropract 22L2" RA-0080A single-built private aircraft occurred near Priamursky village, Jewish region (RF) on June 2, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot and a passenger on board were killed.
The Investigation team Chairman of the fatal accident with Mi-8АМТ RA-22423 helicopter informs that the Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee continues its activities at the accident site...
The accident with Mu-8AMT RA-22423 helicopter owned by "AK "SPARK avia" CSJC occurred in "Munozero" lake aquatorium of the Murmansk region on May 31, 2014...
1. Activities on qualification of RDT-450М digital correlator designed by "Element" JSC (Odessa, Ukraine) have been completed.
Componenet products airworthiness Cerrtificate № SGKI-072-310- RDTs-450М from May 6, 2014 was issued.
The workshop on maintenance and flight documentation and instructors training within the framework of the IACO-IAC RER/01/901 "Operational safety development and continuing airworthiness" international Project implementation was held on May 12-14, 2014.
The accident with "EUROCOPTER" EC-12B RA-07232 private helicopter occurred near Rakhya locality, Vsevolzhsky District, Leningrad region (RF) on May 13, 2014.
The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Ка-32АО RA-31579 helicopter owned by PANH Helicopters JSC occurred in the Krasnodar region (RF) on July 26, 2012.
The accident with DA-40NG RA-01726 aircraft owned by "Ulyanovskoye CA higher aviation school" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution occurred near Soldatskaya Tashla Airfield, Ulyanovsk Region (RF) on May 8, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot and a trainee on board were killed, the aircraft was destroyed.
The accident with AT 104 (model 80 TA "Klassika") RA-1360G private hot air balloon occurred at a recreation center of the Chkalovsky district near Novgorod region (RF) on May 3, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot and 3 passengers on board were injured, the aircraft was destroyed.
The workshop on maintenance and flight documentation and instructors training within the framework of the ICAO-IAC RER/01/901 "Operational safety development and continuing airworthiness" international Project implementation was held on May 13-14, 2014.
The Commission on certification of aerodromes and equipment of the Interstate Aviation Committee completed its activity on certification of the manufacturer of the claimed equipment for aerodromes and air routes of "PELENG" closed-joint stock company (hereinafter "PELENG" CJSC).
The accident with "Skt Master" RA-0862G private aircraft occurred near Vikhrevo landing site, Sergiyev Posad district. Moscow region (RF) on April 30, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot and a trainee were on board, the trainee was killed.
The accident with R-44 RA-06217 helicopter occurred near Inta locality, Komi Republic (RF) on April 30, 2014. According to the avaliable information the pilot on board was killed, the rotorcraft was destroyed.