The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed investigation of the accident with SM-2000P RA-0491G single-built private aircraft occurred in the Kaluga region (RF) on April 6, 2012.
In order to execute the Resolution of the Council on Aviation and Use of Airspace the International Helicopter Safety Team - CIS (IHST-CIS) Coordinating Council has been established in the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) within the framework of the ICAO-IAC RER/01/901 Project.
Chairperson of the Investigation team of the accident with Tu-204 RA-64047 aircraft operated by «Red Wings» Airlines informs about the results of preliminary analysis of flgiht recorders and other received information.
According to the information received the accident with Yak-18T RA-1594G private aircraft occurred near Kuybyshev Reservoir of the Samara region (RF) on January 6, 2013. The pilot was slightly injured, the aircraft was destroyed.
Chairperson of the IAC Investigation team of the fatal accident with Tu-204 RA-64047 aircraft in Vnukovo airport informs that evacuation of the aircraft fragments from the accident site to the designated storage area is underway.
Chairperson of the IAC Investigation team of the fatal accidnet with Tu-204 RA-64047 aircraft in Vnukovo airport informs that activities on examination of the aircraft structure fragments and also evacuation of the aircraft systems and accessories to the designated airfield with participation of experts from "Tupolev" JSC, "Aviadvigatel" JSC, PMZ are in progress.
Activities on certification of type design of PS-90А2 aircraft main engine designed by "Aircraft engines" JSC have been completed....
1. Завершены работы по подтверждению Свидетельства об одобрении производства на ОАО «Научно-исследовательский институт космического приборостроения» (г. Москва, Россия)...
Report in media (resource: “”) on IAC decision on withdrawal of a flight license...
According to the information received on 29.12.2009 at 03:03 a.m. Moscow time near Anavgay locality (RF) the accident with Mi-8 RA-24209 helicopter owned by Koryakia Air Enterprise of Kamchatka Interregional Territorial Department of FAA occurred...
Yakuts aerodrome certificate № 045 А-М for ICAO category I operations was extended by the decision of the IAC Commission on aerodromes and equipment certification from December 23, 2009...
On December 23, 2009 the Chairperson of the Interstate Aviation Committee T. Anodina signed an international Agreement on the development of work in the field of improving Aviation Regulations, standard certification of aviation equipment, its production and repair...
1. Activities on validation of maintenance organisation certificate at Saint-Petersburg Red Cotober, JSC have been completed (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)...
Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the fatal accident with Bell-407 RA-01895 helicopter occurred at a distance of 45 km from Irkutsk Airport on 10.05.2009...
1. Activities on certification of Major modifications of type design of previously certified aircraft owned by Diamond Aircraft Industries Company (Austria) have been completed:...
IAC Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with РА-31Т RA-0880G FVSP aircraft occurred on 05.03.2009 at "Burny" Airport, Leningrad region (RF)...
On December 18, 2009 in Saint-Petersburg the ceremony of issuance of the Interstate Aviation Committee Certificate to Pulkovo Airport for performing operations in adverse weather conditions of ICAO Category I and II at surfaced RWY-1 after completing activities on its reconstruction was held...
Interstate Aviation Committee carried out the range of activities on certification of squitter ground station 1090 ES «Sonar» НКПГ.464335.002 owned by "New Information Technologies in Aviation" (NITA Company, LLC), Russia...
On December 16, 2009 the Chairperson of the Interstate Aviation Committee T.G. Anodina and the Head of Federal Antimonopoly Service I.Y. Artemiev signed Memorandum on cooperation between Interstate Aviation Committee and Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy...
Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee which includes representatives of Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan has completed the investigation of the crash with
Yak-40 RA-87447 aircraft owned by Bugulminsk Air Enterprise JSC occurred st Aktobe Airport of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 09.09.2009...