According to the available information the fatal accident with SM-92T, number RA-0257G occurred near Chelyabinsk Kalachevo Airfield (RF) on 13.12.2009...
1. Activities on validation of manufacture approval Certificate at Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after V.P. Chkalov SJSC (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) have been completed...
1. Activities on validation of manufacture approval Certificate of components at "Zvezda" scientific-production enterprise (Tomilino, Moscow region, Russia) have been completed...
On December 11, 2009 in the IAC the 29th Session of the Council of plenipotentiary representatives of member states of the Interstate Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace was held...
Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the fatal accident with R-44 Raven II RA-04289 helicopter occurred on 14.09.2009 in 1,73 km to the south-west from Lugovskoye landing site, Perm Krai (RF)...
On December 2-3, 2009 in the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) the session of Coordination Commission on Air Navigation was held...
On November 16-20, 2009 the Interstate Aviation Committee hold IAC Coordinating Advisory Aeromedical Council (IAC CAAC) on "Issues of medical monitoring for aviation specialists and ways of its improvement"...
1. Activities on validation of manufacture approval Certificate of component products at UTES, JSC (Ulyanovsk, Russia) have been completed...
On November 25, 2009 the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) jointly with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) hold the ceremony of presenting European Certificate for Ка-32А11ВС Russian helicopter. This event marked the end of long-term joint work of Kamov company, IAC and EASA.
On November 13, 2009 in the Inerstate Aviation Committee the meeting of the Regional working group on implementing the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap was held...
On November 20, 2009 two-week training courses for flight safety and accident investigation inspectors were completed in the Interstate Aviation Committee organised within the framework of ICAO-IAC RER/01/901 Project...
1. Activities on certification of Major modification of Tu-204-100 aircraft type design have been completed - establishing of a new phase of design service life development:...
Chairperson of the Interstate Aviation Committee T. Anodina took part in XXIX....
Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the fatal accident with SN-701 RA-0062G micro aircraft occurred in 18 km to the east from Ipatovo town, Stavropol Territory (RF) on 20.06.2009...
Activities on validation of maintenance organisation Certificate issued by Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant, JSC have been completed for:
- overhaul of Mi-8Т, МI-8P, Мi-8PS, Мi-8МТ (Мi-17) Мi-8МТV-1 (Мi-17-1В), Мi-8АМТ (Мi-171 helicopters);...
On November 13, 2009 the Interstate Aviation Committee introduced the amendment to thre Certificate of Vnukovo International Airport to perform aircraft operations in adverse meteorological conditions of the ICAO category I,II at runway № 2 after completion of activities on its reconstruction...
Investigator in charge of the fatal accident with HS-125-800B RA-02807 aircraft informs that it was possible to restore CVR tape with a help of AAIB UK experts...
The Chairperson of the Interstate Aviation Committee T.G. Anodina took part in the expanded session of the Board of Mintrans of Russia held on November 10, 2009...
On November 9, 2009 the two-week training courses for flight safety inspectors and accidents investigation were initiated in the Interstate Aviation Committee...
On November 6, 2009 the Interstate Aviation Committe issued international Certificate to Grozny (Severny) Airport....