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Official information and position of the IAC on all issues are posted only on the website of the organization. Public speeches and publications of IAC employees are their expert opinions and may not coincide with the position of the IAC

About the accident with RRJ-95LR-100 aircraft

On July 12, 2024, the air accident occurred to the RRJ-95LR-100 RA-89049 aircraft at the area of the town of Kolomna...


About the accident with private single-built C172-0381 RA-2431G aircraft

On July 10th, 2024, near of the settlement of Kamskoye Ustye, Republic of Tatarstan, an accident involving the private single-built C172-0381 RA-2431G aircraft occurred...


Interview of the IAC Chairman to the correspondent of TASS

The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) plays a very important role in flight safety, and not only on Russian territory...


Chairman of the Interstate aviation committee (IAC) Oleg Storchevoy took part in the award ceremony for graduates of 2024 at the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after the Chief Marshal of Aviation B. P. Bugaev

On July 5, 2023, Chairman of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) Oleg Storchevoy took part in the award ceremony for graduates of 2024 at the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after the Chief Marshal of Aviation B. P. Bugaev (UICA).


About the accident with An-2 RA-40983 aircraft

On July 5th, 2024, in the Republic of Buryatia, RF, an accident involving the An-2 RA-40983 aircraft owned by Krylya Taygi Airline LLC occurred. 


About the accient with Borey RA-3293G aircraft

On July 4th, 2024, in the water area of Lake Vallas, Republic of Karelia, RF, non-fatal accident involving the Borey RA-3293G aircraft occurred.


About the accident with LAK-17B FES RA-0799A glider

On June 29th, 2024, near the Sosnovka airdrome, Penza Region, RF, an accident involving the private LAK-17B FES RA-0799A glider occurred.


IAC and the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus signed an Agreement on long-term cooperation

IAC and the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus signed an Agreement on long-term cooperation in educational and research activities.


About participation in the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Safety in emergency situations - 2024"

The Interstate aviation committee (IAC) took part in the Second International Scientific and Practical Conference "Safety in emergency situations - 2024", which was held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, on June 19-22, 2024.  


About the accident with R66 RA-07430 helicopter

On June 20, 2024, in the Amur Region, RF, the accident involving R66 RA-07430 helicopter owned by Meridian 10, LLC occurred. 


International seminar on airfields operation and flight safety supervision

On June 16-19, the Interstate Aviation Committee jointly with the ICAO European and North Atlantic Regional Office held international seminar on airfields operation and flight safety supervision.


About the accident with DA 40 NG RA-02642 aircraft

On June 14th, 2024, at Ulyanovsk Airport (Ulyanovsk Region, RF), the accident involving DA-40NG RA-02642 aircraft owned by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation" occurred.


About the accident with An-26-100 RA-26662 aircraft

On June 14, 2024, near Utrenny Airport, Yamalo Nenets Autonomous District, RF, the accident involving An-26-100 RA-26662 aircraft owned by UTair JSC, occurred. 


About the accident with R-44 II RA-07358 helicopter

On June 12, 2024 at the area of the Bilimbay township, Sverdlovsk Region, RF, the accident involving...


About the accident with PA-28R-201 RA-07829 aircraft

On June 8, 2024 near Lytarkino village, Moscow Region (RF), the acident involving PA-28R-201 RA-07829 private aircrat occurred. 


IAC takes part in the International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia

On June 10, 2024, in Moscow the grand opening of the International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia took place.


About the accident with НС-4 RA-1322G aircraft

On June 10, 2024 near Khar-Tolga village, Yashkul District, Republic of Kalmykia (RF), the accident involving НС-4 RA-1322G private aircraft occurred. 


IAC took part in IATA Annual General Meeting and World Air Transport Summit

IAC delegation took part in the 80th Annual General Meeting and World Air Transport Summit, which was held in Dubai on June 2-4, 2024.  


IAC held a meeting with students of the Prosecutor's Office universities

Interstate aviation committee was attended by students of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow State Law Academy.


About the acciddent with Mi-8Т RA-24653 helicopter

On May 28, 2024, in the Murmansk Region (RF), the accident involving Mi-8Т RA-24653 helicopter owned by Murmanavia Airlines, Ltd occurred. 
